Burlington Free Press

I thought robust meant healthy, strong and sustainable. So why is Bruce Lisman and his Campaign for Vermont calling themselves a “robust” effort to secure Vermont’s future (“Vermont fails badly at transparency,” April 12). Has Mr. Lisman missed the last 10 years of studies showing that the current state of health care in Vermont is heading toward the intensive care unit? Our current situation is not robust and will not remain robust with Bruce Lisman’s call to support the present status quo.

Every day I see patients presenting with advanced health care problems because they have no health insurance. Every day my staff and I have to fight insurance companies’ decisions to limit care. Everyday I hear of a new Band-Aid approach to curb health care costs such as shouldering people with higher and higher deductibles and co-pays that discourage timely care. Quite frankly, I am tired of all this banter of robust transparency from an organization that uses fear and worthless arguments to bolster the status quo.

A single-payer system will cut costs by eliminating reckless profits from our unsustainable health care free for all. When health care is needed, the doors will be open and your doctor’s care will be focused and effective. Act 48 and the Green Mountain Care Board will provide universal health care that is indeed robust, i.e., strong and sustainable.
