Seven Days

A quick Google search turns up all you need to know about the University of Vermont Medical Center posturing to eliminate services and threatening the Green Mountain Care Board. From ProPublica’s Nonprofit Explorer, here are just a few key employees of the UVM Medical Center and their compensation amounts for the fiscal year ending in 2023.

• Dr. John Brumsted (network president and CEO until November 2022): $1,787,177 + $68,822• Alfred Gobeille (executive vice president of hospital operations until May 2023): $894,856+ $126,268• Dr. Stephen M. Leffler (president and COO): $837,011 + $67,056• Richard Vincent (network executive vice president and CFO): $812,391 + $60,841

• Eric Miller (network general counsel): $623,771 + $86,537

I would have expected Seven Days to include these numbers in [“UVM Health Network Announces Service Cuts, Blames Regulators,” November 14, online].

Ann Marie Dryden
