Testimonials for H156 and S74

Click here to view powerful testimonies from representatives, citizens and health care professionals about why we need  universal health care in Vermont and should pass H156. View an informative panel discussion on way we need to pass H156 — our roadmap to publicly financed universal health care in Vermont!  (Start around minute 8).

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New universal health care bills introduced!

59 House members have introduced H156!  It creates a clear roadmap for publicly financed health care for all Vermonters!  (A companion bill S74 has also been introduced in the Senate). These bills phase in a universal health care system, starting with Universal Primary Care, including outpatient mental health and substance use disorder treatment.  The bills […]

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Lack of access and affordability

Read here about the state of Vermont’s health care in 2022 and about how  publicly financed universal health care can make health care available for all Vermonters.

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Vermont’s 2021 Health Insurance Survey: 187,000 Vermonters can’t afford to use their insurance

What’s as bad as having no health insurance? Paying for insurance you can’t afford to use! Vermont’s 2021 “Health Insurance Survey” is out; it reveals that over 187,000 insured Vermonters are still left to worry about paying for health care. 187,000+ people who have health insurance—either private insurance or Medicaid—meet the definition of being “under-insured” […]

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